Hurricane/ Tropical Storm

Hurricanes start as tropical depressions, intensifying into tropical storms when winds reach 39–73 mph. These storms, like Tropical Storm Frances which hit Southeast Texas in 1998, can be dangerous even without becoming hurricanes. When winds exceed 74 mph, the storm is classified as a hurricane. Hurricane intensity is categorized by wind speeds and potential damage. Tropical storm-force winds are hazardous, prompting emergency evacuations before hurricane-force winds arrive.

Hurricane season runs from June 1st to November 30th. August through October are considered the peak months for hurricane season.


  • Make an emergency plan. Make sure everyone in your household including your pets know and understand your hurricane plans.
  • Know your evacuation zone and learn your evacuation routes. You may have to evacuate quickly due to a hurricane if you live in an evacuation zone. Watch this video on hurricane evacuation zones. 
  • Keep your gas tank half full.
  • Make sure your insurance policies and documents are up to date. Make copies and keep them in a secure password-protected digital space.
  • Keep your cell phone charged and purchase backup charging devices to power electronics.
  • Listen to local officials and register for AlertHouston to stay informed. 
  • Visit our Preparedness Page for a full list of tips on how to make a plan.


If it becomes necessary to evacuate residents during a hurricane, authorities will issue evacuation orders by zip code zone or “zone.” Coastal residents should become familiar with which zone they reside in.

Knowing your zone will help you better understand when and if you need to evacuate during a hurricane or other serious storm. You should only evacuate if you live in a storm surge evacuation zone or are ordered by elected and emergency officials to evacuate. Check more information on this map here.


Gather Supplies for your household, include medication, in your go bag or car trunk. You may not have access to these supplies for days or even weeks after a hurricane.

  • Food & water (7-day supply per person)
  • Flashlights
  • Batteries
  • Copies of important documents
  • Toiletries
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Cash
  • Medicine
  • Kit for kids
  • Kit for pets


Identify if you may need additional help during an emergency if you or anyone else in your household is an individual with a disability.

  • Register for the State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry (STEAR). You can also register by calling 2-1-1. You MUST register every year.
  • Wear a medical tag or bracelet.
  • Know the location of life-saving treatment facilities.
  • Plan your transportation with METRO Lift or by calling 3-1-1.
  • Make note of the best way to communicate with you (ASL/braille, etc.)
  • Inform a loved one of your plan.
  • Communicate with neighbors who can assist you if you need to evacuate your building.
  • Give someone you trust a spare key of your home.
  • For emergency preparedness in ASL, visit the Disaster Resilience link or watch this FEMA video.


  • Pay attention to local officials for information and special instructions.
  • Be careful during clean up. Wear protective clothing, use appropriate face coverings or masks if cleaning mold or other debris.
  • Wear protective clothing and work with someone else.
  • Do not touch electrical equipment if it is wet or if you are standing in water.
  • Document any property damage with photographs. Contact your insurance company for assistance.

Visit for more preparedness information. For Hurricane Outlook, Watch, Warning and Advisory Criteria, visit the National Weather Service.

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